Saturday, September 4, 2010

God is BIG

Well first off... it's been incredibly too long since I've written a blog. Coming up on a year. Wow. I'm a blog slacker. So life has been crazy, awesome and epic in the past 11 months... lots of change... lots and lots of change, but epic.

So back to my actual title... God is BIG.

I was driving home from babysitting tonight and the stars were absolutely incredible! And so i drove out to my favorite place in my neighborhood... the dock/boat landing area into a creek. And the sky seems ginormous and I can see the milky way and a zillion constellations and i just smile. :)

God is so incredibly BIG! And I think we forget that too easily... we get caught up in the day to day stuff and forget how big our God is! I'm such a "sucker for the sky". As I've said time and time again... but I'm so thankful for the sky and how God uses it to remind me how big He is! He is bigger than our finances, our insecurities, our failures, or any mountain we face.

I hope I'm not the only sucker for the sky that looks up on a clear night and smiles and tries to fathom just how big our God really is...

1 comment:

  1. You're not the only sucker for star gazing. So fun you have a blog.
